Water Treatment Lab
생명과학관 8533호실
- 지도교수 : 박진용
- 연구원
- 특수연구 학부생 5명
실험실 소개
막분리 기술을 이용한 정수 및 폐수처리 기술 개발에 관한 연구를 수행한다. 주연구과제는 수처리용 분리막 기술 개발, 소양호 지류의 수질 향상을 위한 하천수 정화 기술 개발, 관형 세라믹 한외여과막을 사용한 폐수처리 및 재활용 기술 개발, 막분리 공정에 있어 pH 제어를 위한 적용제어기의 염 문제의 해결 전략, PCVD를 이용한 고기능성 Si박막 제조 공정의 배기가스 관리 기술 연구, 북한강 상류 3개 호소 환경조사, 화천군 수생식물 생태공원 용역사업과 환경부 지원 수처리선진화사업단의 정수용 차세대 분리막 및 막모듈 제조기술 개발, 하폐수처리용 분리막 관련 기술동향 조사, 세라믹 분리막과 광촉매 코팅 PP 및 PES 구의 혼성수처리 공정 개발 등이다. 현재 세라믹 분리막과 PP 구의 혼성수처리 공정 개발 과제를 수행하고 있다.
분리막을 활용한 정수 및 폐수 처리/ 호소수의 수질 모니터링/ 수질분야 환경영향평가
- "Roles of adsorption and photo-oxidation in hybrid water treatment process of tubular carbon fiber ultrafiltration and PP beads width UV irradiation and water back-flushing", Yua Park, Jin Yong Park, Deslination and Water Treatment, In press (2017). DOI: 10.5004/dwt,2016.1740(2015 impact factor: 1.272)
- "Roles of organic matters, photo-oxidation and adsorption in the hybrid water treatment process of multi-channel ceramic MF and photocatalyst-loaded PES beads", Bolor Amarsanaa, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.58, pp.376-384 (2017.01). DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.11430(2015 impacet factor: 1.272)
- "Rolse of polypropylene beads and photo-oxidation in hybrid water treatment process of alumina MF and photocatalyst-coated PP beads", Na Young Kim, Jin Yong Park, Deslination and Water Treatment, Vol58, pp.368-375 (2017.01). DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.11429(2015 impact factor: 1.272)
- "Hybrid water treatment process of carbon fiber microfiltration and photocatalyst-coated polypropylene beads: roles of humic acid, photo-oxidation, and adsorption", Da Young An, Jin Young Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.57, pp.26595-26605 (2016.11).DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2016.1189696 (2015 impact factor:1.272)
- "Hybrid Water Treatment Process of Tubular Carbon Fiber Ultrafiltration and Photocatalyst-coated PP Beads: Treatment Process of Tubular Carbon Fiber Ultrafiltration and Photocatalyst-coated PP Beads: Treatment Mechanisms and Effects of Water Back-Flushing Time", Gyung Lim Gang, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.57, pp.7721-7732 (2016.04). DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1060168 (2015 impact factor: 1.272)
- "Roles of Ultrafiltration, Photo-oxidation and Adsorption in Hybrid Water Treatment Process of Tubular Alumina UF and Photocatalyst-coated PP Beads with Air Back-flushing", Joo Hyung Yu, Jin Young Park, Ji-tea Kim, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.57, pp.7456-7465 (2016.04).DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1025587 (2015 impact factor: 1.272)
- "Effect of Humic Acid, Photo-oxidation and Adsorption at Air Back-flushing in Hybrid Water Treatment of Multi-channel Alumina MF and Photocatalyst-coated PP Beads", Seung Jun Lee, Jin Yong Park, Ji-tea Kim, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.57, pp.7456-7465 (2016.04).DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1025587 (2015 impact factor:1.272)
- "Effect of water back-flushing and PP beads in hybrid water treatment of multi-channel alumina MF and photocatalyst-coated PP beads", Bolor Amarsanaa, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.54, pp.1457-1469 (2015.04). DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.922503 (2014 impact factor: 1.173)
- "Role of photo-oxidation and adsorption at water back-flushing in hybrid water treatment of multi-channels alumina MF and PP beads coated with photocatalyst", Gyu Muyng Gyeong, Jin Young Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.54, pp.1029-1037 (2015.04). DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014909334 (2014 impact factor: 1.173)
- "Optimum Operating Conditions in Hybrid Water Treatment Process of Multi-channel Ceramic MF and Polyethersulfone Beads Loaded with Photocatalyst", Bolor Amarsanaa, Jin Yong Park, Alberto Figoli, Enrico Drioli, Deslination and Water Treatment, Vol.51 pp.5260-5267 (2013.07).DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2013.768750